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Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic Medicine is a health care system utilizing safe and effective therapies guided by the following principles:

First, Do No Harm — The approaches used in naturopathic medicine are focused on being safe and non0invasice, with minimal risk of side effects.

The Healing Power of Nature — Respect for nature includes honoring our fellow human beings and our bodies' powerful natural healing processes. Naturopathic treatments work in harmony with the body's immune system to increase strength and vitality.

Discover and Treat the Cause — Naturopathic doctors honor symptoms as the body's way of communicating deeper problems. We generally do not treat the symptoms themselves as this would be analogous to fixing the "check engine" light on one's car rather than checking and fixing the engine. WHen the cause of an illness is addresses appropriately the symptoms are addresses as well.

Treat the Whole Person — Each patient is unique in their own life experiences as well as their genetics and each disease manifests differently in each individual. Each patience has her or his own unique dynamic pf physical, emotional and mental interactions. When these interactions are out of balance one's susceptibility to disease as well as one's ability to fight disease are impacted. Naturopathic medicine seeks to balance the body's physical, emotional and mental interaction with the appropriate natural medicines and treatment.

The Physician is a Teacher —Disease not only encourages out body's innate healing abilities but also allows us to open up and accept the help and love of others. Naturopathic physicians wok to educate patients about their bodies and how to live more healthy lifestyles so that healing may occur. When this interaction takes place healing occurs and we share the experience and compassion and catalyze the healing process in others.

Prevention is the Best Cure — If we all take responsibility for our life situations, lifestyles, habits and patterns we can recognize imbalances and work to change them for the better. Naturopathic doctors work with patients to help determine areas and needing attention and change to help prevent minor illnesses from developing into more serious or chronic degenerative diseases.

Naturopathic therapies are drawn from fields of botanical medicine, homeopathy, physical exercise/yoga, hydrotherapy, nutritional and lifestyle counseling, as well as a variety of bodywork styles.

Naturopathy — promotes the use of natural substances and therapies in order to assist our own innate natural healing abilities.  This is a multidisciplinary approach which uses the healing powers of natural resources like foods, herbs, earth, water and air to allow the body to heal itself

Homeopathy — Disease is treated by the administration of minute doses of natural substances in order to rid the body of toxins and restore balance of mind and body.

Hydrotherapy — is the application of hot and cold compresses in order to increase blood flow to vital organs as well as increase blood flow to the core of the body in order to facilitate boosting of the immune system, supporting detoxification, stimulating the gastrointestinal system, and promoting relaxation and stress-relief.



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