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Prices & Scheduling


30 min

60 min

90 min

Naturopathic Consultations $75 $125 $200
Bodywork / Massage $60 $100 $150
Yoga Therapy/Meditation
$60 $120 $160
Reflexology $55    
Divine Intervention
Energy Attunements
Rising Star
$75 $125 $200

Hot Stone, add on $25
Raindrop therapy, add on $30
Aromatherapy $10

Phone / Skype Distance Sessions available upon request

Call to schedule your appointment or purchase gift certificates
office   805-709-4182

  • Please provide a minimum of 24 hours notice BY PHONE if you need to reschedule an appointment. Full payment is required for missed or cancelled appointments with less than 24 hours notice.
  • Please arrive on time. This time has been reserved just for you. Late arrivals will receive a shorter session according to their scheduled appointment time.
  • Session time includes paperwork, changing of clothing and discussion of your session.




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